Gastvorlesung - Space Data Strategy: How to Gain Business Value from Geospatial Data

We are happy to announce the following guest lecture:

Friday, July 31st,2020 13:00 – 15:00 CET.

In order to attend, you need to register for this lecture.

Registration Information


Martin Szugat


Companies are drowning in data, but are thirsty for information. Although e.g. ESA’s Copernicus Open Data Strategy has exploded the availability & quality of geospatial data, only a small number of companies are using it. Because most companies only see their own data instead of seeing the opportunities and looking for new data. A data strategy is the business plan for data & analytics and data thinking is the method to develop this business plan. In this lecture you will get to know some useful tools to design data products yourself.


Martin Szugat is the founder and managing director of Datentreiber, a data strategy consulting firm. For his projects e.g. for Roche, ProSiebenSat1 and many more, he applies design thinking to data science and has developed a method and open source tools for data strategy design. Besides he is the program director of the Predictive Analytics & Deep Learning World conferences in Europe. He studied bioinformatics at LMU & TUM. When he has free time, he devotes himself to AI and Space Data and tweets about it on The presentation is mandatory for students of the lecture Big Geospatial Data and open for all interested guests.

© 2020 M. Werner